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Adsense Consultant's Blog!
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9 years ago
This blog aspires to be a listing of the bx error codes that people have been getting when trying to work on their Blogger.com blogs. It is hoped that if you get one of the dreaded bx error codes you will be able to find it here and also (hopefully) find a solution to help you.
Just in case you're wondering AOL has decided to get rid of their AOL Journals and members's websites as of October 31st of this year! I have posted about this on my AOL Blog. |
The reason that I post these bx error codes that don't have any symptons yet is because you may have gotten the same bx error code and remembered what you were trying to do to your blog when you got it and would like to comment about it here. |
Are you on the list for unclaimed money? Do you even know what unclaimed money is? (It's another form of "free money)
Visit The Unclaimed Money Blog to find out more information about unclaimed money. |