a blogger posted that they got this bx error code when they were trying to upload a third-party blog template to use as their own.
There have been quite a few bx error codes having to do with this kind of thing and as I have said before the problem could lie within the template's coding itself. The most probable reason is that the template has some missing or corrupted coding in it.
It may become necessary for you to go through the entire template coding to see if you can find the problem.
A lot of these third-party template sites will have comments from others who have also tried using the template and have encounter problems doing so - so you should re-visit the page where you got the template to see if there is any related information about other people having problems with using it.
As I have posted on this blog before about the bypass procedure - it does not solve the problem of not being able to upload a possible corrupted third-party blog template. When I have received a bx error code when trying to upload a new template - mostly to my Different Blog Layouts Blog the bypass procedure doesn't allow for the third-party template to be accepted however it does allow me to work on my blog - thus allowing me to make changes and possibly see how I can correct the problems on the blog template so that it can be accepted by Blogger.com!
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